Time Management Tips

As I was reviewing my grades for this last term of classes (99.5% and a 98.9%), I imagined myself talking to others who plan to go back to school or start college.  I have spent the last two years juggling 4-5 jobs (one full time), my husband’s care, my daughter’s care and my health crisis.  I have been able to go to the doctors, go on dinners with friends, fit in a few massages and even watch movies during this time.  I was able to get my work in on time and with good grades.  Admittedly, some classes were easier than others.   But, committing to taking classes online is a bigger endeavor than people think.

  1.  Commit yourself to doing it.
  2.   Follow the class syllabus.
  3.   Look ahead through the course and see the assignments and the lengths.
    1. Playing off of that, schedule your doctor appointments around class breaks or lighter weeks
  4.   Set a schedule for when things should be done during the week.  Example; Classes are Wednesday through Tuesdays for me.  All reading is to be done by Thursday and first Discussion Boards posts done.  Friday, reply to other posts on Discussion Board(DB).  Saturday, second reply to DBs.  Saturday, work on one paper, research another.  Sunday, breathe and rest (I also work that day).  Monday is for reviewing and submitting one assigment/exam, then research and type up another.  Tuesday, submit all assignments after reviewing.  Start Reading next week’s text.
  5.   Try to always stick to that schedule.  It is strict, but it works.  Since I work a normal M-F week and then church and volunteer job on Sundays.  My Saturdays end up being my homework heavy day.
  6.   Communicate to family and friends that this schedule is not flexible and that this is a goal. There will be time off in between courses and sessions that they can have your undivided time.  I let my friends and family know two weeks out when I have a break so that we can set dates to play, eat and hang out.
  7.   Remind your family and friends of this committment each term.  This is temporary.  There is an end in sight and there is a reward at the end.
  8.   Time mangement, time management, time management.  If you are unable to finish the reading for a class, skim it and take notes.  Go back later in the week and read it thoroughly if possible.  I will be honest, there was some reading I just never made it to.
  9.   Take care of your health.  Getting sick makes focusing hard and doing assignments unbearable.  Get the flu shot, take your vitamins and get sleep at night.
  10.   If you are the primary care taker of the house, invest in a crock pot.  It has become my favorite appliance.  I plop everything I need for dinner in it in the morning, put it on low, and return home to meal ready to serve.  Buy sandwich materials and cold cereals for those days you don’t have time to cook.  Macaroni and cheese or any pasta dish is easy to make.  Again, crock pot your own homemade sauce if you have allergies that need to be worked around.
  11.   Remind your friends and family of your committment to this endeavor.  Enlist cheerleaders to help you through those rough weeks.
  12.   Turn your cell phone off during exams and webinars.  Texting and phone calls need to be avoided during these concentration times.  If they are interested, they will leave a message and wait for you to get back to them.

I know I keep putting in about reminding family and friends.  I can not express it enough.  People forget.

Most of all, put each day before God.  Ask Him to help you through your assignments, exams and reading.   Sometimes it is the only way.  He always has time for you.

Sicker than I feel

Alright, I did this aerial yoga class.  I thought that would be a great idea.  I wouldn’t have to worry about getting up and off the floor.  Everything would be done in a silk hammock swing thing.

Boy was I wrong.  It was the hardest exercise I have ever tried.  I was soaked through within 5 minutes.  The poor instructor had to stop every few minutes to help me, and sometimes even she gave up on me.

I was so proud of my self this summer.  I could do 10 push ups, 40 squats, 65 leg lifts and walk up to 7 blocks.  I really thought I was pushing myself.  After taking this class, I see that I am not where I think I am.

I should be better.  Yet, the reality is that the medicine has slowed my decline, but has not arrested it.  Nor has it made it better like predicted.

Of course, the instructor stated after the class and I was about ready to cry, that I would probably like a different class that was more relaxing and less difficult.  I wanted to strangle her at that point.  I had told her during my reservation that I was not well and was looking to the yoga to help me.  I have taken regular yoga in the past and wanted to try something new.  I asked her why she had recommended the class that she had, she just said that all first timers are recommended to go to that class.

Well, I might be back.  I like the studio, the smell and the attention of the instructor.  I did tell her that it probably wouldn’t be until January after I finish my classes.  (Christmas EVE everyone!!!)  I was told to take the radio frequency class.  It uses the sling, but lower to the floor and more floor exercises.  I have a break again at the beginning of October.  I might pay for that class then.  It will give more time to hunt down other yoga classes.

In the mean time, I am fighting depression again.  I just want to stay in bed and let the world pass by.  But, Daisy has to go out.  She loves me and even makes me smile when all I want to do is scream at the world.

I am glad that I did try it though.  It was a good reality check.  The reality is that I might not get stronger, might not get better, today may be as good as it gets and the first diagnosis of dying in 5-8 years may be the real outcome of this adventure.  Either way, I will do my best and be grateful for each day God grants me and try to find a silver lining in everything.  Also, I slept really well last night after the yoga.  I forgot how nice it made me feel.

I might have to rig something up in the bedroom so that I can do my Rodney Yee discs I bought about 10 years ago.  At least it will keep me limber and help me sleep when it eludes me.

Some Relationships Last

I have been reminded lately that some relationships last beyond a piece of paper or what others think.

A friend of mine, her ex-husband died yesterday.  She was at his side throughout this last month every day.   She was there when he finally passed.  Did she harbor animosity towards him?  I think not.  She took vacations with him with the grandchildren.  Her son and daughter still had a good relationship with him.  I don’t know the story behind the divorce.  Nor does it really matter.

It matters that she cared enough to be there in the end for him.

In discussing this with my son, he asked my why I had not left Dad.  He said that many other women would have left a lot sooner.  I explained that I had visited an attorney in the beginning when he first became mentally ill.  I was informed that leaving him would not look good in courts due to his disability and judgement would be for me to pay alimony.  Additionally, when we got married, we promised to never get divorced.  That promise was between us and God.  Have we threatened to get divorced from each other?  Yes.  As I tried to explain to my son, which I know he does not understand because it is a relational issue that has to be experienced.  It just didn’t make financial sense at the time.  God has in the mean time tempered my heart to be more understanding and deal with his idiosyncracies.

It is through this process that I have understood that getting a divorce would not have made anything better.  The years have made me stronger.  This is a hard concept to convey without the other person having gone through it themselves.

So, if you hear of a friend being cordial to their ex, be a little understanding.  There is a relational bond there that you and I may not understand.