Just Say It Plain

I have been pussy footing around about my health lately.  I had a checkup in August that caught me by surprise.  My health has taken a turn for the worse.

Yes, it has.  I can feel it now each day.  Each day gets just a little harder.  The neuropathy that was just a prick here and there in the evenings now feels like a swarm of mosquitos.  I now take my portable oxygen to work.  I find myself needing it at least once a week or more.  I race home in the evenings to get to the continuous unit.  Every outing seems more difficult.

I went to the movies the other day with my husband.  By the end of the movie, I could hardly move due to shooting pains in my legs from the arthritus.

Lately, I am relieved to see Fridays.  I find getting up on Thursday and Friday mornings to go to work to be difficult and unmotivating.

These are just a few of the things I am encountering.

I did submit a resume to another job prospect before my doctor’s appointment in August.  I am now being asked to follow through with an interview.  I had to tell a close friend why I have not followed through for the interview.  I had to tell them that I was not comfortable working so far away from home.  I also had to explain that my condition had gotten worse.  Nothing has hurt me more than explaining to a close friend that I am even closer to dying than previously.  I told this friend very frankly.  I was going to sugar coat it.  Let’s be honest, sugar coating this issue is not going to help anyone.  So, I kept the discussion to the facts and how I felt.  My friend accepted the news better than I thought.  Of course my imagination takes everything to the worst level.

Now, let’s talk about what I am doing to help manage this decline.

  1.  I do yoga every morning Monday through Friday whether “I feel like it” or not.  At least 20 minutes.  I do try to fit in another 10 minutes in the evening.
  2. I allow myself an alcoholic drink in the evenings when I want one.  Usually about twice a week and only one serving.
  3. I take the dog to work once a week with me.
  4. I make sure to walk the dog every morning.
  5. Take my medications as prescribed.
  6. Avoid the news.  It just makes me more depressed
  7. Allow my friends to help me.
  8. Keep my volunteering commitments.  I have continued to volunteer at a food bank every Sunday.  It helps distract me from my problems.  I do wear the portable oxygen while doing this.
  9. Get help from Customer Service when grocery shopping.  I wear the portable oxygen when shopping.
  10. Take time with my friends as precious and a priority.
  11. Take time off if needed to recoup and recharge to handle the rest of the week.

I have been diagnosed with further complications with regards to female problems.  I am going through the process of diagnosis and surgery may be possible in the near future.  I find this a little scary because sometimes I heal fast and other times I heal slow.  Since my bruises are taking a long time to go away, I am assuming I am in the phase of slow healing.

My only conclusion at this point is that I am in a flare up of my condition.  I am hoping that it will subside and or go into remission.  I have further testing in December.  At that point, it will be decided if I need to transition to retuxin drips for my condition.

I told my doctor in August that God knows my date and time, a transplant won’t make any difference.  Also, after doing a variety of researching, my chance of survival is around 20%.   I am sorry, that is just not high enough for me to risk it even if I cleared the process.

I am grateful that my friends have accepted my condition.  My daughter still gets tears when I cough excessively.

God has provided for me greatly these last few months.  Things have been a little easier financially.  I am grateful.

I do not know what is ahead nor how much time is left.  I place my hope in God that He will walk me to the end gently.  He gives me good days and good moments.  I enjoy each second.

May your journey with these conditions be as blessed as mine.