I guess that my doctor visit from last week still has my brain spinning. So, here is what I have to say about nail polish, self-care and self-aware.
Having multiple auto immune disorders can be scary. All the information you read talks about self-care and being self-aware. But, are they the same, different or is there a grey line in between.
Earlier this year, I took a youth mental health training that is being required of all educational employees. Working in ESE I thought I knew everything. Wrong. I did learn a lot. What was interesting when reviewing the material afterwards that at the end of each section was a set of questions about self-care and being aware of your personal feelings.
I have started to get newsletters and e-newletters from various auto immune organizations such as Everyday Health, Sjogren’s and most recently Speaking of Lupus by GSK (Glaxo Smith Kline). Each one seems to always delve into talking some point about being self-aware and self-care. So, how does nail polish fit into this?
Last year I was introduced to mood polish. The one that is one color when your fingers/toes are hot and a strong darker color when they are cold. I have started using this type of polish more frequently. Why? If my nails are the darker color, I need to stop and be self-aware as to whether I am cold, or are my extremities suffering due to lack of oxygen making them seem cold. This form of self-care of pedicures and manicures once a month will help me in keeping track of my breathing.
In fact, the technician two weeks ago when I did the walking test noticed that my toe nails had changed from light green to a dark turquoise before the oxygen reader alerted that I had dropped below 89. As soon as he had me sit down and use oxygen, they warmed up and returned to green. This went on again while testing to see what level of oxygen I need when walking. It was kind of cool. Yes, I wore comfortable sandals to walk in.
Hey, I can be fashionable and still be self-aware of my body.
The free lupus kit from GSK is cool. It has nice activities to help you practice explaining lupus (or sjogrens or RA, etc.) to those around you. Order one, you will be getting emails and small workbooks in the mail. I find the tools and activities useful and can be used for any autoimmune disorder. Here is the link. I hope you like it as much as I do.
I was sharing with a close friend yesterday the news from the doctor. She asked me about going out on disability. I told her not yet. I can still work. I just can’t do two jobs anymore. Why would I want to stay at home all the time when God has things for me do out in the world? It was just another reminder that God is not done with me yet.
So, as the song goes, “Jesus take the wheel”.