With the good comes the bad

You have all heard the saying, “You never know what you have until you lose it.”    I previously wrote about getting off of prednisone and on to an anti-anxiety medication.  The anti-anxiety medication has been a big help with the pain.  I did not really know how much pain I was in until I stopped having it.  Well, there has been a development since then.

Every year I do what is called a PFT.  Pulmonary Function Test.  This includes breathing in various ways (panting, holding breath, exhaling fast, etc.) into a machine, then walking for various times while wearing an oxygen monitor to see where you desaturate.  I make sure to have this done during the summer and after a good night’s rest.  Even with all my care, the test showed a decline this year bigger than the previous years.

So…what does that all mean?  Going off the prednisone was a no brainer for my bone health.  I am fragile enough without worrying about breaking a hip.  The consequence of that (I believe) is that my lung function decreased.  The doctor always tells me that the decrease is within the “margin of error”.  But, doing the math,  if 2 years ago I went down 1%, then last year another 1% and this year 3%, that is a 5% decrease.  That is outside the margin of error.  Additionally, my coughing fits have not gotten more frequent, but more violent.

Could these changes be due to removing the prednisone?  The doctor said no, I don’t really believe him.  It was just too coincidental.  In the meantime, during the next 6 months, I am to use an inhaled steroid to try to regain some function back.  I am only a couple of days into this new medication.  Let’s see what happens.

This could be the natural progression of my condition.  I would like to think that it can be slowed or stopped.  Reality check!!!

Ultimately, it is up to God as to what happens with my lungs.  I am not giving up.  I know He has something more for me to do.

In the mean time, I have made it my personal goal to have positive energy time in the morning.  I read my Bible, crochet and play with the dog for an hour after breakfast before I do anything else for the day.  So far, it is helping.