New Kind of Trouble

Did you ever really doubt the pain someone is suffering?  How their affliction affects them physically and mentally?  I have.  I have thought…they can’t be in all that much pain.  There is no way that disease caused that.

Well, I was WRONG!!!  Please forgive me for those whom I have doubted.

I have recently been blessed with a case of shingles.  I am pretty sure it was due to the stress of going to see the transplant dr.  It gave me high blood pressure, stinging nettles over the affected areas and the worse part yet === Terrible bone and muscle pain to the point of no sleep.  I used OTC pain killers to numb it some.

It took 3 days for the rash to continue its beautiful stinging nettle adventure across my body part around to my back and stopped at my spine.  Then the bubbles appeared.  Thank you Votaren for your pain relieving qualities.  OTC hydrocortisone did nothing.  I was really careful to not scratch or open them in any way.  I quarantined myself since I know my husband never had the chicken pox for a week until the bubbles started to deflate.  I called the Dr.

Dr. took me off of one of medications to accelerate the healing.  I am so glad that worked.  Here it is 2 weeks later, bumps are flat and falling off.  I am no longer contagious and pants don’t hurt that bad.


Now where the bumps were, my skin hurts to the touch.  It itches a little bit.  Nothing like chicken pox at all.  But the skin hurting is annoying.  I smear more Voltaren over them and hemp handcream.  It helps some.  Since bone and muscles still hurt, still taking OTC pain medication.

The good side of all of this, when the pain reliever kicks in, I sleep.  The rest of the time, I am forced to relax.  It is a shame that I had to get Shingles to slow down and relax this summer.  God knew I was plotting about cleaning my apartment.  So, He put a stop to it.

Oh well.  He knows what I need.