I am the proud owner of a CPAP and the infamous SoClean.
I went to the supplier since getting a tech to come to me would not have happened until after the beginning of January. What does this have to do with the title?
At the training, I was informed that everything will go through a 3rd party biller. The insurance will cover up 70% after the deductible is met. The SoClean is not covered at all. (A really close friend bought that for me for Christmas and Birthday). That is about $600 left to meet my deductible for this year. January being around the corner, that means I start again at 0. Don’t forget that there are parts that have to be purchased every 3-6 months to the tune of $300 a pop. Going through a 3rd party biller will mean that they will jack up the price by 3 so that they can get my deductible up front and in their pocket before I get any other procedures. Then I pay 30% after that. Shortened, due to this new equipment, I need to make sure that I have $1200 minimum at the beginning of the year to cover the upkeep costs. I am not even sure this therapy will help.
I read an article in AARP about a person who refused to do the sleep study. When asked why…She stated that dying in her sleep sounded very peaceful and that all the upkeep to stay alive causes extra stress that is not necessary. I am beginning to see her point.
My first night with CPAP, I could not sleep. It felt like I was trying to breathe while swimming underwater. So, I just focused on keeping my breathing steady until the alarm went off. But, during that time, I had three anxiety attacks over the cost of the extras that were not disclosed before the equipment was ordered. Not everyone has the money for this. My second night I actually slept since I was exhausted. Still felt like I was breathing while underwater.
So far, MyAir results show that I do not have sleep apnea. Wow, no surprise there. I argued the results of my sleep lab with my doctor because the test was not a “true” picture of how I sleep. I sleep on my side with a 30 degree wedge. Of course I have sleep apnea on my back and flat. I personally think this is medical conspiracy to get people sucked into this situation. After some more research lately, most people do have apnea events about 4 times a night. My test result was just a little above that.
I am willing to give this a bash while I am getting my oxygen concentrator repaired anyway. My problem is, what if I didn’t really need this? Now I am stuck with a product that needs a script to get expensive supplies and I am now committed to three months of paying for it since it is unreturnable. Yes, I can sell it on EBAY. But, is it really worth the bother. What about my friend who wanted to make sure I had the SoClean. She is now out the money also.
I know I may be over reacting due to the stress of the holidays and dealing with another problem and medical equipment with the complications of having a flare of my symptoms. It might just be some paranoid delusion. I will say that if I had known the cost of the upkeep of the equipment, I would have told him NO.
I will keep you informed. I have only had the equipment for three days. I did pray all the way home to God after I picked up the equipment that He would have to provide the money for this equipment and supplies. Ultimately, He will. He always has.
Now, my next endeavor is to contact the president of school that oversees the doctors I see. I want to know if there are professional developments and/or curriculum that includes informing the doctors of health care costs and the stress it puts patients under.
I see that I need to do more research when a doctor suggests a procedure or equipment before accepting those financial burdens. I thought I was prepared for this. I guess I was not mentally ready and having it happen during Christmas was even a poorer decision.
In the mean time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Daisy and I.