Stress, Flare and new goals

I have been the doctor again since my last post about nail polish.  I am still using that nail polish.  I love it.  It has been a good indicator for me.

In the mean time, my blood labs came back horrible.  It confirmed that I am in a flare or a decline.  Won’t really know for sure until next blood labs at end of May and pulmonary function tests in July.  That will be the deciding labs as to whether I am to change to a new medicine protocol.  Both the rheumatologist and pulmonologist are thinking Retuxin drip.    I am not sure if I am ready to head down that road.  But, I will leave that in God’s hands.  He will have to find the money to cover my out-of-pocket expenses and make a way with the insurance.

How did this all happen?  Try doing two high stress jobs.  It just doesn’t bode well.  Two weeks of stress has caused me over 6 weeks of rashes, bad labs and lower respiratory functioning.  That won’t be happening again.

I have set new exercise goals though to help ward this off and hopefully rebuild me back to at least where I was in October.  I am still doing yoga four times a week in the morning about 20 minutes each time.  I have added to Monday walking on the treadmill 35 minutes at 1.0 mph, hoping to move it up to 2.  When the treadmill is not available, I guess I will walk a mall.  Yoga is Wednesday afternoons for about an hour.  Thursdays is either the treadmill or circuit training.  I really like the circuit training.  I did use the lightest weights and did a modified step.  But, by the end of 30 minutes I was sweating, which is the goal the doctor wants.  Of course I wear my oxygen unit while doing these afternoon work outs.    The wellness center at work will be closing in two weeks because end of the year is at hand.  Here is the wellness center picture of the circuit set out for us.

My goal during the summer is to

a.  Extend my morning walk with Daisy to be at least 35-45 minutes.

b. Continue Yoga in the morning after I wake up.

c.  Try to do an extended yoga/tai chi workout in the afternoon at least once a week.

d.  Continue substituting one meal a day with a high protein shake to make a goal of 80 grams to help curb munchies.

e.  Work on removing 5 pounds of fat.

I will get back to you in August when work returns about my results.  I have only been doing the shake substitute thing for two weeks.  I am finding it a challenge to get 80 grams of protein a day.  I have noticed that on the days that I do not make at least 75, the next day I am hungrier and looking for junk.  I have also had to add a protein powder to my morning snack.  I have chosen hemp for its anti-inflammatory and fiber properties.

I even tried this new gf oatmeal called Qi’a.  Honestly, I had to add a teaspoon of sugar to it.  I tried the Creamy Coconut.  It was filling.  But, I had to add an egg and bacon to make 20 grams of protein for breakfast.  I almost need an IHOP sample platter to make my protein for breakfast.  I will get it worked out.  Having a  high breakfast protein really makes a difference in my day.

Observation (maybe you have a similar situation):  on days I cough a lot, my pain is minimal.  On days I am in pain a lot, coughing is minimal.   Hmmmmm.  Doctors ignore me when I ask about it.

Celebrate with me my little victories over this last month.  I haven’t gained any more weight.  I have stayed the same since January.  I have gone from 20 minutes on the treadmill at  .5 mph to 35 minutes at 1.1 and some days at 1.5 mph.  My clothes still fit that I bought last fall.  I am discovering new exercises I can do with the help of my co-workers (circuit training).

Enjoy the pictures below.  There is Kelp noodles with meat sauce and fresh parmesan.  Lamb loaf with bleu cheese and a pot roast with carrots and onions.  The kelp noodles were a little weird for me.  But, they were a gift and have minimal calories, so I will eat them anyway.

Notice there is no bread or breading?  About the only bread type thing I eat now is Pan de Yucca by El Sembrador.   The above should make meals for me for the next two weeks.  This was one evening of cooking.

May God bless this food and those who helped harvest it.  May He give me the strength to continue on.



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