Vacation Experiment

A lot of thought energy went into planning a week with my brother in N.C.  It actually went well.  I am pleased and plan to do it again in March.  But, let me tell you it took a lot of pre-planning.  But, here are the short cuts…

  1.  Pack all your medications and vitamins for an additional 2 days, just in case.
  2.  Pack all your equipment.  That meant extra space for the CPAP and the portable oxygen concentrator.
  3. Pack your own snacks and food basics.  Due to my limited diet, it was just easier that way.  Also, it helped keep expenses down.
  4. If a person on the other end asks what they can get for you, suggest things like the distilled water and vinegar for the cpap.  Also, any ingredients that you know are good for your dietary needs that they might also like. (i.e. unsweetened apple sauce, fresh fruit, preferred meats and veggies)
  5. Go with a friend to share the driving (We drove) and keep you on your diet.
  6. One thing I did not do, was pack clothes for cool weather.  So, pack for additional temperature changes.  I packed for hot Miami weather.  I did not pack for cool evenings and cold a/c.
  7. Pack all your favorite hand and body creams.  Your skin will thank you.
  8. Pack your favorite bug spray.  That way you are not doing a Walgreens run.

That is enough of what to take.  Be prepared for the fatigue to hit.  I was surprised that it did not hit me until the 2nd day there.  Same thing happened for the return trip.  Knowing this, planning excursions for future trips will be easier.

Eat healthy, stay hydrated and don’t be afraid to be a party pooper.  I am used to being in bed early.  That means I had to call the night before my hosts did.

I will be brutally honest.  I do not believe I will be driving more than a day away.  So, anything beyond  a days drive will have to be plane trips.  I already know that I can do that when I went to Chicago for my graduation.

This vacation experiment was a success.  I am looking forward to the next adventure.  I might try visiting someone else via air travel next round.

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