Every Solution Brings…..

You all know the cliches that “Every solution brings forth a new problem”.  I have been playing tag with this saying the last month or so.


Legs hurt after working long physical hours on Sundays.

Solution:  Wear compression socks, buy new shoes.  Legs and feet no longer hurt.  Yay!

New Problem:  Big toe nail is getting bruised because of wearing compression socks with new shoes.


Possible Solution:

1.  Try to find shoes with more toe allowance.

2.  Try to get different assignment for Sunday job.

3.  Stop wearing compression socks on Sundays. (not really an option)  Go back to leg and foot pain.

3.  Stop Sunday job.  Not be able to buy specialized vitamins and food for conditions.  Not really an option.

4.  Combination of one and two.

I will probably go for option 1 before going to option 4.  I really enjoy working on Sundays.  It is physical, I sweat something fierce, minimal brain function needed and I get to meet people outside my circle of influence.  In the mean time, I have gone shopping for shoes.  Spoken to a couple shoe specialists and have found a pair online.  Special order of course, steel toes with wide width and a 1/2 size larger to accommodate the compression socks.  Two people are going to help with the cost as my Christmas present.


Old problem:

Doctors want me to continue yoga and exercise twice a week to keep auto immune conditions in check.


I bought a harder yoga this summer.  Got a circuit training routine to do at home along with Thursdays at the Wellness center at work.

Gone down a blouse size again.  Yay!

New Problem:

Foot pain due to over stretching of ankle muscles.  Arm pain due to over working with light weights.

Possible Solution:

Don’t do moves that stretch the top of the ankles and foot.  Do circuit training without weights.

I will let you know what happens with that.

In the mean time… my labs look great.  Everyone tells me I look great.

Personally…my inner conversation is

“Hey, the scale isn’t moving.  Why am I working so hard?  If I look so great; why do I feel like I have mosquitoes biting me all the time and sore areas on my body?  Thanks for the compliment.  Do you know how much money I am spending on vitamins to look this way?”

Well, enough of the ranting and venting.  Thank you for your time.

I know God has something important for me to do or share.  He is allowing me to make it through each day.  I have wonderful friends, family and friends who are family.

There is a song about blessings being trials of our life.  I have to admit, some of my biggest blessings have come through really hard trials.  I just hope I can bless someone with this blog.

Keep on praying.  He is always listening.

P.S.  I have lifted up the foot pain problems and toe bruising to God.  I see the doctor in two weeks.  I will discuss it with her also.



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