New Answers to a Turn for the Worse

Well.  Well.  Well.

That is about all I have to say about what went down this last week.  It was all kind of sudden and scary.

So, the Pulmonary Hypertension Specialist needed some tests to see which medicine will help my heart and since I am so frail and critical now, the hospital. So, I did as she requested and went into the hospital through ER.  Of course, insurance wouldn’t let me do a direct admit.  So, I did it the painful hard way.   Only to have my doctor appear before me in the ER after about 2 hours to hand out some bad news.  I had an embollism in my lung.  Holy Cow!!!  I almost fainted.  My husband had just left.  Which I was glad, he would have melted hearing that information.  I just had a CT scan not even three weeks before and there wasn’t one.  UGH!!!!!!

I spent the next three days in the hospital being poked and prodded for all these tests that needed to be run (some of it was for the lung transplant).   I had several EKGs, an echocardiogram, another stress test for heart that had to do with inhaling ionic particles, liver scan, tons of labs (and my arms show it), respiratory treatments, and even anti-coagulants and water pills.

The best part was the team that attended me.  My daily day and night nurses were wonderful.  I had my own room and bathroom.  I was kept comfortable, although not allowed to walk around (didn’t want to anyway).  Three meals, snacks and drinks were always available.  The technicians for each test were kind and curteous at all times.  I couldn’t have asked for better care.

The heparin drip caused some problems with bruising.  Still recovering 4 days later from all the blood labs.  That medication is due to blood clot in my lung.  Still dealing with the complications of it.  Did you know that when you are on anti-coagulants, you have to get labs every week?    I am currently having enough problems just getting to work and now you want me to go out and get labs weekly.  Some days, it just seems to be too much.

Saturday afternoon, I was released to go home.  Guess What!!! Insurance messed up the release of my new medication for the embollism and I had to return to ER until something could be figured out.  I was finally sent home Sunday night.  It was hard returning back to the hospital.  Everyone was flipping out in my circle of influence.  I finally stated that God wanted me at the hospital for a reason and that I had to accept that.  Once I said that to myself outloud, I was able to move forward with getting help.

One person asked me about it…I told her that sometimes God says “no”.  This was one of those times and I did not have the bigger picture to understand why.  Only He does.

It was a great time to connect with God, share God with those around me and be an example to others.  God has my back.  I know that I am unhappy with some aspects of what is going on.  I also realize there is a much bigger picture than me in this.

May you find your inner peace in sharing God and being an example.



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